Create a CalCareer Account

Create CalCareer Account
Password must:
  • be 8 or more characters long
  • have one lower case letter
  • have one upper case letter
  • have one number
User I.D.'s & Passwords
  • User I.D.'s are unique. If the User I.D. you have chosen is already taken, add a number or a short word to the end.
  • User I.D. must be between 5 and 25 characters.
  • Password may not contain your User I.D. or any significant part of your full name.
Account Acknowledgment

I understand that I am creating a new CalCareers account. In accordance with Government Codes 18935.a.4, 19680.c, and 19681.a, it is unlawful to create multiple accounts with the intent to bypass the State's merit-based selection process. If you have an existing account and are unable to access it, please contact the CalHR CalCareers Unit.

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