
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W



The capability to perform a function without training.


The openness of programs, processes, and services to disabled persons.


Accreditation is the recognition that an institution maintains standards requisite for its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice. The goal of accreditation is to ensure that education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of quality. The Secretary of Education is required by law to publish a list of nationally recognized accrediting agencies that the Secretary determines to be reliable authorities as to the quality of education or training provided by the institutions of higher education and the higher education programs they accredit.

Active (Application Status)

Your application has been submitted to the hiring department for review.

Additional Records

Refers to special records that you may or may not have on file with the California Department of Human Resources within your CalCareer Account. The records can be: Veteran Record, LEAP Record, Proficiencies, and/or Transfer Exams. If there is a link next to the item there is a record for you, if it states “N/A” there is not one (or it has not been processed yet).

Administration Method

Method that the particular exam is going to be administered (e.g. in person).

Adverse Action

An adverse action is a formal administrative action taken to correct an employee's on-the-job behavior or performance. It imposes one or more penalties: official reprimand, salary reduction, suspension without pay, demotion or dismissal. The various causes for discipline are described in GC Section 19572.


An individual who has submitted an application form to compete in a State civil service examination.

Applicant Account (App Account)

See CalCareer Account.

Applicant Invite

An invitation to an applicant to establish an Applicant Account to be attached to an established ECOS Profile. This feature is not available yet in ECOS.

Application (STD. 678)

The official State Application form for examinations and employment. It is available in hard copy (paper) or electronic through a CalCareer Account. It contains a person’s personal information, basic employment questions, education, work history, demographic/EEO data.

Application Method

Refers to the established manner which the department chooses to accept applications. To date the options are: Electronic, Postal, and/or in-Person.

Application Template (STD. 678)

The official State application form in a wizard format to help guide the CalCareer user through filling out the information for examinations and employment. By using the template the confidential items are removed to ensure the recruitment is based off of merit and fitness.

Appointing Power

Means a person or group having authority to make appointments to positions in the State Civil Service (Gov. Code 18524).


Means the offer to and acceptance by a person of a position in the State Civil Service (Gov. Code 18525).

Armed Forces

The United States Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Revenue Marine Service, and the Army and Navy Nurse Corps. Active service as a nurse in the American Red Cross during World War I shall be considered service in the "armed forces." (Gov. Code 18540)


A tool used in the hiring process to evaluate job applicants for a specific job/position. Can be written, oral, performance, group, individual, or any combination of formats and is designed to replicate the job to assist the hiring team in identifying the best applicant(s) for the job.


Background Check

A hiring authority may require a criminal background check prior to employment, licensure, or certification provides a hiring department information to evaluation of the applicant. These applicants are often candidates for positions that place them in a position of trust for some of California’s most vulnerable citizenry, elderly, and dependent adults and children.

Base Score

The score received in an examination before any extra points are added or percentage is calculated. Also see, "Raw Score".

Basis (Exam Basis)

The basis in which an examination is being administered: Open; Open, Non-Promotional; and Promotional.

Bilingual Employee

A bilingual employee has been certified by CalHR, or an authorized agent, as possessing sufficient fluency to provide services to the public in a non-English language. An employee working in a designated bilingual position is eligible for a pay differential.

Bilingual Position

A position designated by the department to provide non-English services to the public.


Job connection system for State of California retirees interested in working as retired annuitants to list their skill sets.

Break in Service

A break in the continuity of his or her state civil service due to a permanent separation occurs if the employee permanently separates from state service as defined by Section 446 and then remains outside state service for at least eleven consecutive working days (2 CCR § 6.4).


See “Exam Bulletin”



Employment system available for State of California Job Seekers. This systems provides for an Applicant portal allowing self-management and tracking of employment activities with various available employment tools.

CalCareer Account

The public facing portal with a login ID and password. With an account, the applicant can manage their personal information, take state civil service examinations/assessments, store different versions/templates of the application std. 678, apply for vacancies at 150 departments, and track application statuses. Applicants can electronically receive contact letters and set up notifications for new job postings, upload and store your resume, cover letter, transcripts, or other additional documents

CalCareer ID

Is the “key” in identifying individuals in ECOS, it is rooted in the Profile and displayed on all app Records, Eligibilty Records, and App Accounts. In Legacy, the key identifier of an individual was the SSN and in OSS it was the EZ ID. The CalCareer ID must belong to only ONE person, but may have many Eligibility Records and Applicant Records. A CalCareer ID may belong to only ONE Profile and CalCareeer Account.

CalCareer User

An individual accessing CalCareer for personal employment endeavors.

Canceled (Application Status)

Set automatically by the hiring deparment when a Job Control is canceled. For additional information, contact the hiring department listed on the job posting.


An applicant who has been accepted as a participant in an Examination or Job. Also known as "competitor".

Career Credits

Extra points awarded in Open, Non-Promotional examination to Civil Service Employees meeting the criteria to receive a Career Credits in addition to their passing score in the examination.

Career Executive

An employee appointed from an employment list established for the express purpose of providing a list of persons with permanent status in the civil service who are available for career executive assignments, in which selection, classification, salary, tenure, and other conditions of employment may be varied from those prevailing under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 18800) to Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 19570), inclusive, for other employees in the state civil service. (Gov. Code 18546)

Career Executive Assignment (CEA)

An appointment to a high administrative and policy influencing position within the state civil service in which the incumbent's primary responsibility is the managing of a major function or the rendering of management advice to top-level administrative authority. (Gov. Code 18547)


See "Career Executive Assignment"

Cert List (Certification List)

The list of individuals who certified out for a specific vacancy. The Cert List is created from all the individuals on the applicable eligibility lists meeting the criteria for the position(s) the Cert is created for (e.g. the Department, Classification, geographical location, and tenure and timebase of the position). Individuals are placed on the Cert List in order of the governing cert rules.

Cert Rank

The rank of an individual(s) on a specific Cert List in accordance to applicable governing laws and rules.

Civil Service

The administration of government in which individuals are employed on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations.


A group of positions sufficiently similar with respect to duties and responsibilities that the same title may reasonably and fairly be used to designate each position allocated to the class and that substantially the same tests of fitness may be used and that substantially the same minimum qualifications may be required and that the same schedule of compensation may be made to apply with equity. (Gov. Code 18523)

Class Series

Means any vertically related group of classes, covering the same occupational specialty and same program area, which constitute a primary promotional pattern for a specifically identifiable group of employees (2 CCR § 75.1).

Classification Code

The code assigned to State of California Civil Service Classification.

Classification Specification (Class Spec)

The Civil Service definition of a type of job classification as approved by the Board. Typically Includes: a Class Title, Class Code, Description, KSAs, MQs, and other specifics (2 CCR § 75.2). Also known as "Job Description".


The knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, or special personal characteristics that contribute to individual or organizational job-related performance. Competencies may relate to practical or theoretical understanding of subjects, the capacities to perform acts, patterns of action or conduct, critical or strategic thinking, decision making or judgment, interdisciplinary skills, or transferable skills (2 CCR § 76.3).


An applicant who has been accepted as an examination or job participant. Also known as "candidate".


Component Types are the general exercise type that candidates will be testing on. Some are: Written Interview, Performance, Supplemental Report, and Education and Experience.

Component subtype

Component subtypes are the actual exercise that candidates will be testing on. Multiple Choice, Essay, Writing Sample, In-Basket Exercise, Presentation, Role Playing, Physical ability/agility, Training and Experience (T&E), and Statement of Qualifications.

Conditions of Employment (COE)

Conditions under which a successful applicant wish to be considered for employment for an Eligibility Record. Conditions of Employment may include Geographical location, Tenure, Timebase, Department, or work type area/category (can also be selected as Preference Flags).


A Multi-Departmental Examination (and resulting eligible list) which is Coordinated and maintained by CalHR.

Contact Letter

See "Employment Inquiry"

Continuous (Filing Type)

An Examination that does not have an established final filing date and allows for individuals to submit an application without limitations until it is closed.

Cutoff Date

The time frame, item number, or thing designated to be the limit of something (e.g. for reasonable accommodations it is the date the business user needs to review RA requests).



Eligible List format which limits the eligible list to a particular administration date.


The appointment of an employee to a position in a different class with a lower salary range, as provided by Section 19253 if voluntary, by Section 19253.5 if for medical reasons, or by Section 19570 if by adverse action (Gov. Code 18525.2).

Departmental Eligible List

A list of persons who have been examined in an open competitive examination and who are eligible for certification for a specific class for a particular appointing power (Gov. Code 18532.2).

Departmental Open Testing

Testing for a class on an open basis that is conducted by a department - either under delegation or decentralization.

Departmental Promotional List

A list of persons eligible for certification for a specific class resulting from a promotional examination for a particular state agency (Gov. Code 18533).

Departmental Reemployment List

A list established for the reemployment of persons in a particular class in a particular State agency (Gov. Code 18535).

Desirable Qualifications (or Preferred)

The possession of education, experience, or competencies above the minimum qualifications that are job-related and would enhance a person's capacity to successfully perform the tasks and functions of a classification or particular position of a classification (2 CCR § 76.2).

Did Not Appear (DNA)

Indicates the candidate did not show up for a scheduled interview or test.

Disabled Advisory Committee (DAC)

A committee of persons in a department performing an advocacy role and providing advice to management on the employment concerns of the disabled to promote inclusion.

Disabled Veteran

Any veteran as defined in Section 18540.4 who is currently declared by the United States Veterans Administration to be 10 percent or more disabled as a result of service in the armed forces. Proof of such disability shall be deemed conclusive if it is of record in the United States Veterans Administration (Gov. Code 18541).

Duration Employment

An employment during time of war or during an emergency in connection with the national defense, which employment is subject to termination and other conditions as prescribed by Section 19200 and by board rules (Gov. Code 18544).

Duration Examination

An open competitive examination, or promotional examination, held for the express purpose of providing a list of persons available for duration employment. Employment lists resulting from duration examinations can be used only in making appointments for duration employment (Gov. Code 18545).

Duty Statement

A document outlining the specific job duties of a position.


Easy ID (EZ ID)

The Easy ID was the unique identifier or key identifier for an individual (applicant) in OSS it is no longer a required field on the State Application (STD 678).


Acronym for: Examination and Certification Online System. ECOS is the business side of CalCareers which in its completion will replace nine separate software systems with one to process items such as State Exams, Certifications, and Jobs.


Changed to "CalCareer ID" on February 22nd, 2018.

ECOS Profile

Renamed on February 22nd, 2018 to "CalCareer Profile"

Education and Experience (E&E) Exam

For small testing groups applicants may be tested on their education and experience as stated on their required documents. Individuals meeting the minimum qualifications for the classification will be placed on the list.


Term used to describe a passing score received on an examination. In order to apply for employment with the State of California, list eligibility must be established for the classification. List eligibility can be up to four years, but is typically one year in length. When list eligibility expires, an applicant must reapply to re-establish eligibility.

Eligibility Record (Elig Record)

An individual record for a person who has been granted eligibility for a classification (typically from successfully completing an examination, but sometimes it can be created by a layoff situation).

Eligibility Record Details

Click "My Account" at the top of the page. Select the "Exam/Assessment Records" side tab, click the "List Code" number for the classification you wish to change the preferences for. In the Eligibility Record Actions box, click "Change Conditions of Employment" and for each applicable tab, double click the preferences you would like to select on the left marked "Non-Selected" and the selections will move to the right marked "Selected." Click Save Conditions when you are done.

Eligible List

A list of persons who have been examined in an open competitive examination and are eligible for certification for a specific class. (Gov. Code 18532)

Eligible List Format

The build of the eligible list. "Dated" refers to a specific administration date that will become inactive after the eligibility months expire and "Merged" refers to a list made up of multiple administrations that result in various dates of expiration for the eligibles.

Eligible List Rank

The Rank of the individual(s) in regards to scores with recognized additional points and preference in accordance with the Cert Rule governing the Eligible List.

Eligible List Type

Indicates how the eligible list was created, and all the governing laws, rules and Cert rule that applies to the maintenance and use of the list. In ECOS, the Categories are: Employee, Reemployment, LEAP, Promotional, and Open. There are various levels including, Subdivision, Departmental, and Servicewide.

Emergency Appointment

An appointment made for a period not to exceed 60 working days either during an actual emergency to prevent the stoppage of public business or because of the limited duration of the work (Gov. Code 18531).

Emergency Employee

An employee holding a position under emergency appointment (Gov. Code 18531).


A person legally holding a position in the State civil service (Gov. Code 18526).

Employee Development Appraisal (EDA)

Component Type which the supervisor rates the employee's current performance and potential for promotion. I is then reviewed by a higher level supervisor ad given to the panel for review and scoring. Currently, this type of exam has limited use as the Promotional readiness Examination process should have taken its place for promotional exams.

Employment Contact

Any communication, including, but not limited to, by way of letter, telephone, email, or other electronic means, used to contact candidates to determine their interest in a job vacancy. Most commonly seen as a letter sent to individuals on a Cert Lists to ascertain their interest in a specific position. Also referred to as a "Contact" or "Contact Letter" (2 CCR § 80.1).

Employment Inquiry

Any communication, including, but not limited to, by way of letter, telephone, email, or other electronic means, used to contact candidates to determine their interest in a job vacancy. Most commonly seen as a letter sent to individuals on a Cert Lists to ascertain their interest in a specific position. Also referred to as a "Contact" or "Contact Letter" (2 CCR § 80.1).

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Each state agency is responsible for implementing non-discrimination policies, procedures, and practices, and ensuring they are integrated into every aspect of employment. Equal employment opportunity is afforded to all applicants and employees without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability (mental or physical), engaging in a protected activity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.

Equivalent Combination

Education and experience that may be combined to satisfy the minimum qualifications of a classification (2 CCR § 77.1).


A component subtype of the Written exam that measures a candidate's ability to communicate through written communication

Exam Basis

The type of exam that will be administered (e.g. promo; open, non promotional; open).

Exam Bulletin (Bulletin)

The official examination announcement housing the time(s), location(s), format, minimum qualifications, salary, desirable qualifications and more for an exam.

Exam Plan

The specific classification that is to be administered with information such as the classification title, exam basis, ownership, geographical type, Career Credits, Vet Preference, and more.

Examination (Exam)

State Employment Examinations evaluate applicants Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities to determine success potential in the classification, in general. Examinations are comprised of at least one test component in order to perform the evaluation, but may have multiple test components which contribute to the evaluation data for the Examination. (For evaluation for a specific job, see Assessment)

Examination Process

The procedures, practices, and activities that are part of administering formal examinations to establish employment lists for classifications (2 CCR § 80).

Exempt Positions

These position are filled by election or appointment. They include members of boards and commissions, and appointees of the Governor. These officials are exempt from State civil service, and are often referred to as "exempt" officials.

Extra Points

Extra Points are added to individual records of those who are successful in an examination and meet the criteria for the extra points. Type of Extra Points are Career Credits, Seniority Points, and Veterans' Preference


Filing Format

The Application Method used to apply for examinations.

Filing Type

Establishes how the exam will be administered if it is a Continuously (ongoing) or Limited (to specific dates).

Final Filing Date

The last day an application will be accepted, see the specific exam bulletin or job posting for more information.

If submitting electronically, you must submit your application by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST).
If submitting via US postal mail, the application must be postmarked with a date no later than the final filing date.

Former position

A position in a classification the employee was last appointed as a probationer, permanent employee, or career executive, The former position does not include separations through disciplinary action, rejected during a probationary period, terminated under Section 19889.3, or terminated, demoted, or transferred in accordance with Section 19253.5; or terminated on a nonpunitive basis under Section 19585 (Gov. Code 18522).

Frequency (Saved Search feature)

Refers to the selected reoccurrence of notifications for selected searches (e.g., daily, weekly, etc.).

From and To Classes

The “from” class refers to the classification that the employee currently holds. The “to” class refers to the classification to which the employee may or will be appointed (2 CCR § 83).


A "full-time" position or appointment is a position or appointment in which the employee is to work the amount of time required for the employee to be compensated at a full-time rate (Gov. Code 18550).


General Reemployment List

A list established for the reemployment of persons in a particular class in any State agency, irrespective of the State agency in which the persons were previously employed (Gov. Code 18534).

Geographical Type

The field designating if the exam is a spot exam (limited to a location) or non-spot.


Hiring Completed (Application Status)

Set automatically when the Application Status is Active, Submitted or Received and the Job Control status becomes Completed. Application cannot be edited by applicant (no Edit button on Job App Record Page) and cannot be withdrawn.

Hiring Process

Activities as interviews, performance tests, written tests, role plays, simulations, reference and background checks, as well as the use of any other instrument or procedure designed to assess fairly and objectively a candidate's qualifications to be successful in the position the appointing power is hiring to fill (2 CCR § 78.1).

How to Apply

Overview of information about how to submit an application for an Exam or Job. The information below it will direct applicants to apply through their CalCareer Account, by Mail, and/or by Drop-Off.


In-Basket Exercise

A component subtype of the performance exam that measures the candidates job-related tasks within a set amount of time.

Individual Record

A record pertaining to a specific person. Typically refers to the individual's application record or eligibility record. Also see, "Personal List Eligibility".

Institution Location for State Application

The City and State of the University or College attended. For example, "Sacramento, CA" would suffice.


An "intermittent" position or appointment is a position or appointment in which the employee is to work periodically or for a fluctuating portion of the full-time work schedule.

Internet/Automated Examination

On-line examination where a candidate responds to questions, or schedules to appear at a test site to take a computer-based test.

Interview (Oral Interview)

Component Type which measures the applicants through an oral interview. Facing a panel of two to three people, a candidate responds to questions regarding education and experience, possibly situational/hypothetical scenarios. Also known as a "Qualifications Appraisal Panel (QAP)".

Intra-agency Reassignment

A job assignment change from one position to another position within the same agency and same classification, such as a change of work schedule or shift, or reporting location, unit, division, plant, facility, or equivalent (2 CCR § 82).

ISWAP (Injured State Workers Assistance Program)

ISWAP (Injured State Workers Assistance Program) is intended to identify employees who are injured and need to be placed in other than their regular jobs.


Job Analysis (JA)

The process of systematically identifying the essential tasks and functions performed in a classification and identifying the competencies that are required to perform those essential tasks and functions. The purpose of a JA is to develop job-related, legally defensible examination processes and the selection procedures encompassing the examination process.

Job Application Package Checklist

The applicant cover page for an application package providing the Job Control Number for the department's routing, and items that are required (and optional) for submitting a complete application package.

Job Control

The foundational piece of an electronic Job in ECOS (e.g. electronic RPA packet).

Job Control Number

A number (example JC-####) that identifies each job posting. This number is located at the top of each job posting.

Job Description

The official Job Description for a class which legally outlines a summary of the duties, responsibilities, and knowledge needed to apply for an exam or job with the classification title. Some of the details for the Class are (but is not limited to): Definition, Typical Tasks, Minimum Qualifications, Knowledge, Abilities, and Special Personal Characteristics. Also see "Class" or Class Specification".

Job Examination Period (JEP)

The final part of the LEAP process that is an on-the-job performance evaluation (examination) before transitioning to the Civil Service Classification.

Job Postings

All the detailed information of a specific Job advertised in CalCareer. The Job Postings from CalCareer replaced the old system known as “VPOS”.

Job Specifications

Details about minimum qualifications, education, etc.



Facts, information, or principles acquired by a person through experience and/or education; the practical or theoretical comprehension of a subject.


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities. The Scope of the KSAs required of a individual in a classification, are listed on the Classification Specification.


Language Proficiency (Code)

A specific language in which the State of California tracks and proficiency in order to provide translation services when needed.

Language Proficiency (Record)

A record of proficiency in a specific language for an individual.


The Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) is designed to help persons with disabilities get jobs in the California state civil service. LEAP is an alternative to the traditional testing process, allowing applicants to demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities through on-the-job testing

LEAP Class

A classification which can be tested for through the Limited Examination and Appointment Program.


See "LEAP Referral List"

LEAP Referral List

List of individuals who have successfully passed the First part of the LEAP examination and are placed on the list as individuals who may compete for a vacancy for that classification through the LEAP examination process. Individuals appointed through the LEAP Referral list, must successfully complete the second part of the LEAP examination, the Job Examination Period (JEP).

Limited (Filing Type)

Indicates that and examination is not continuous and that a final filing date is set for the examination.

Limited Term

A temporary job appointment to last a certain number of months.

Limited Term Employee

An employee whose appointment as a result of reinstatement or certification from an employment list shall not exceed two years, as specified by Section 19080.3 (Gov. Code 18530).

Limited Term List

An eligible list established for use exclusively in making limited term appointments (Gov. Code 18532).

List Life

The length of time eligibility is in effect is listed as the “list life” on the examination bulletin. List life is typically 12 months and may be extended up to 48 months.

List Score

An individual's final score percentage, including all applicable extra points, on an eligible list.


Mandatory Appropriate List

An employment list determine by five-member Board action to be a proper substitute for filling positions in a class in the absence of an eligible list for that class and which must be cleared before any other list may be considered.


A list made up of multiple administrations that result in various dates of expiration for the eligibles.

Minimum Qualifications (MQs)

The Minimum Qualifications (MQs) are the criteria an applicant must meet in the first test component of an examination - the Application Review. The MQs are located on the Classification Specification and must be posted on the Examination Bulletin.


See "Minimum Qualifications"


Refers to an examination (or its resulting eligible list) created for the use by more than one Department (but not all Departments). A Multi-Departmental Examination will result in one Eligible list to be used by all participating Departments.

Multiple Choice

A component subtype of the Written exam which offers various options for an answer allowing the candidate to choose the best option.

Multiple Departmental

Refers to an examination being administered for more than one Department which will create one Eligible list for each Department (exam ownership type).



Geographical type that allows for one list to have multiple locations for the Conditions of Employment to fulfill positions throughout the state.

Non-Testing Class

Anyone meeting the Minimum Qualifications listed on the Classification Specification may apply for the position without taking an examination/assessment.

Not Submitted (Application Status)

Default Application Status when the applicant begins an application. Data is saved, but not yet submitted to the Exam or Job Control. Application can be edited by applicant.


Open Exam

An examination being administered on an Open Basis. No distinction is made between State employees and non-State employees. Veteran Preference is awarded to all Veterans on the eligible list meeting the criteria to receive the Preference.

Open, Non-Promotional Exam

An examination being administered on an Open, Non-Promotional Basis. Qualifying State employees receive Career Credits. Veteran Preference is awarded to all Veterans on the eligible list meeting the criteria to receive the Preference.

Out-of-Class Experience

Experience gained as a result of the performance of duties not specifically permitted under Government Code Section 19994.9, which are outside the scope of the class to which the employee is appointed. To see if the experience qualifies to be counted for MQs in an exam, review 2 CCR 212.

Ownership (Exam Ownership)

Displays if the examination will be owned by on department or more (e.g. multiple department, subdivisional, and etc.).



A "part-time" position or appointment is a position or appointment in which the employee is to work a specific fraction of the full-time work schedule (Gov. Code 18551).


Component type which measures physical or technical skills or abilities in which candidates perform simulated job tasks (i.e., operating heavy equipment, typing, etc.). Subtypes are In-Basket, Presentation, Role Playing, and Physical Ability and Agility.

Permanent Employee

An employee who has permanent status (Gov. Code 18528).

Permanent Withhold

Refers to a verified action to refuse to examine or declare one successful in an exam (producing an active eligible list record) as the result of failing to meet a specified standard.

Personal List Eligibility

A candidate's individual eligibility for appointment from an employment list that has not expired. Also see, "Individual Record" (2 CCR § 80.2).

Physical Ability/Agility

For law enforcement and other jobs, physical ability tests are commonly given and are frequently combined with vision and hearing tests. These are usually given just prior to hiring. It is a component subtype of the performance exam which test the physical motions and/or endurance of a candidate.

Pool (of Candidates)

Identifies individuals who are in consideration for a position.


Any office or employment in the "state civil service" as the phrase is defined in Section 1 of Article VII of the Constitution (Gov. Code 18522).

Pre Report Only

Component Type which measures the applicants through a Promotional Readiness Examination. A process which uses employee self-appraisal, supervisory evaluations, management assessments in determining a candidate's readiness for promotion which was originally designed to be a report.

Preferred Limited Term List

Preferred Limited Term eligibility list is a list of persons who have served under limited-term appointment and who, in accordance with board rule, are granted eligibility for additional limited-term appointments as defined in Government Code 18532.1.

Preferred or Desirable Qualifications

The possession of education, experience, or competencies above the minimum qualifications that are job-related and would enhance a person's capacity to successfully perform the tasks and functions of a classification or particular position of a classification (2 CCR § 76.2).


A component subtype of the performance exam involving a formal presentation before raters.

Primary Department

The Department that acts as a lead on an examination assigning roles and setup of the Exam Control.


The period during which an employee demonstrates his/her ability to perform the job duties. After a job offer is accepted, an employee must pass probation to become a permanent State employee. For every classification, the probationary period can be either six months or twelve months. During this period, the manager/supervisor assesses the skills or knowledge the employee needs to develop and the guidance needed for an employee to succeed. An employee must demonstrate acceptable progress and the capabilities to fully perform at the expected level to pass probation.


Refers to a proficiency either required or preferred for a classification of vacancy. Most commonly refers to Typing or Language.


See CalCareer Profile.

Promotional Exam

An examination being administered on a promotional basis. Applicants are required to meet the Entrance Requirement for the exam basis, typically working for the Department the exam is being administered, but there are some other means of meeting the criteria that are not as common.



Component subtype of "Qualifications Appraisal Panel" for Interview.

Qualifications Appraisal Panel (QAP)

See "Interview (Oral Interview)" or "QAP".

Qualifications Appraisal Panel Interview

A civil service examination that is given as an oral examination or oral interview by a qualifications appraisal panel (2 CCR § 80.4).



Refers the level on a certification or eligible list an applicant achieves based off of their exam results and governing laws and codes.

Readiness Evaluation

The first part of the LEAP examination process, the Readiness Evaluation assesses an applicant’s ability to meet minimum qualifications for the job classification in which they wish to test.

Reasonable Accommodation (RA)

Applicants/Eligibles may make a request for Reasonable Accommodations for any Test or hiring process. Reasonable accommodation, as it relates to the ECOS processes, is any modification or adjustment made to a Test administered, or Job interview process that enables an individual with a disability or medical condition to compete in the process.

Received (Application Status)

Application Status when applicant mailed in or dropped off hard copy of application and the hiring department uploads the application package.

Recognized Military Service

Full-time service by a person in the armed forces during the national emergency or a state military emergency (Gov. Code 18540.3).

Recompete Months (exam)

How many months the applicant has to wait before they can retake the exam. If the applicant take the exam before the recompete months being completed they receive a "Too-Soon" letter and their eligibility is removed.

Record ID

Number to identify Records (Applicant Records and Eligibility Records) in ECOS. Each ID number will be unique and can not change. Each Record will have its own Record ID number, regardless of any changes to the CalCareer ID, Name, etc.


A category of Eligible Lists. Individuals on these lists are entitled to have preferential consideration in hiring for a position meeting the criteria of their eligibility due to their loss of previous employment.

Reemployment List (also see "Reemployment")

A departmental reemployment list, subdivisional reemployment list, or general reemployment list (2 CCR § 78.2).

Referral List

Refers to the LEAP Referral List, which is essentially a LEAP eligibility list.


A restoration of veterans declared to be 10 percent or more disabled, either physically or mentally (Gov. Code 18542.).


Eligibility to return to state service. Government Code Section 19140 provides reinstatement eligibility if you previously held a State civil service position as a permanent or probationary employee, and separated from your position by (1) resignation, (2) service retirement, (3) absence without leave (AWOL), (4) accepting another civil service or exempt appointment without a break in continuity of State service, or (5) termination from a limited-term, temporary, Career Executive Assignment, or exempt appointment to which you were subsequently appointed without a break in service.

Retired Annuitants

Retired annuitants are individuals who have retired from the State, but who have returned to work for the State on a temporary basis.

Role Playing

A component subtype of the performance exam where the candidate is scored on their behavior and responses to a scripted proctor who brings to life real-job scenarios.

Rule 211

California Code of Regulations, Section 211, provides that a State employee dismissed by adverse action may participate in State civil service examinations only if he or she has obtained prior approval from the State Personnel Board's Executive Officer. Requests to participate in open examinations must be submitted in writing to the State Personnel Board. The decision to approve or deny a request to participate in an examination is based on the circumstances surrounding the dismissal as well as the type of position the dismissed employee is seeking. In addition, the State Personnel Board considers the employee's evidence of corrected behavior, and his/her ability to assume the responsibilities and duties associated with a return to State service. Dismissed State employees do not have reinstatement eligibility and may not apply for vacant positions. Dismissed State employees may seek access to employment within the State civil service system only under the provisions of Section 211 described previously.


Save this Job

A new tool in CalCareers that allows an applicant to Save a Job in the search results to have it populate under Saved Jobs side tab in their CalCareer Account.

Saved Search

The Saved Searches (formally Enotify) tab is in your CalCareer account. You can do an Advanced Job search, using filters to meet your criteria and save it, give it a name, and choose the frequency you want to be notified.

Scoring and Ranking

Examination results are scored and applicants are placed in ranks according to their scores. Generally, only the first three ranks of individuals are accessible for hire. An individual’s ranking may change as hires are made and/or more individuals are added to the eligibility list.

Seniority Points

Calculated according to current criteria for creating seniority points. Awarded in a few examinations in the state, and also utilized in Reemployment eligibility as well.


Indicates an examination/eligibility list for all State Departments (All of State Service).

Servicewide Promotional List

A list of persons eligible for certification for a specific class resulting from a promotional examination for the entire state service (Gov. Code 18533).


A present, observable competence to perform a learned art with ease and precision.

Special Personal Characteristics

Particularly important personal attributes, traits, or other qualities that are job related (2 CCR § 76.4).

Specification (Spec)

See “Classification Specification”.

Spot Location

A geographical location to which an examination/eligibility list is restricted. It is the purpose of a focused recruitment for a specific geographical location.

State Military Emergency

An emergency declared and terminable by the Governor by proclamation during, but not limited to, such times as the United States is conscripting personnel for service in the armed forces (Gov. Code 18540.2).

State Restriction of Appointment (SROA)

Various types of Eligibility lists containing the names of individuals identified as being in jeopardy of losing their current jobs.

Statement of Qualifications (SOQ)

A Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) is a narrative discussion of the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) an applicant possesses in relation to the desirable qualifications listed in the examination bulletin or job posting. This is not a form; it is a word document that you will create and upload/attach to your state application, std. 678 when applying for a job. Follow the instructions on the examination bulletin or job posting.


The entire state of California geographic area.


Refers to a sub-division of a department. A subdivision has been given it's own hiring authority from the Legislature or Governor's office.

Subdivisional Promotional List

A list of persons eligible for certification for a specific class resulting from a promotional examination for a particular subdivision of a state agency (Gov. Code 18533).

Subdivisional Reemployment List

A list established for the reemployment of persons in a particular class in a particular subdivision of a State agency (Gov. Code 18536).

Supplemental Report

Component Type which measures the applicants through an additional item usually due with the application. Component subtypes are Training and Experience (T&E) and Statement of Qualifications (SOQ).



See "Training and Development (T and D)".


See "Training and Experience (T&E)".

Take and Successfully Pass

After participation in the examination, results will be provided to you, including a final score and the number of months of list eligibility. After successful participation, you can apply for jobs within that classification.


An organized unit of work, with a definite beginning and end, performed by an individual to accomplish the goals of the job.


See "Temporary Authorization Appointment (TAU) "

Telework Options

In Office refers to all working days.
Hybrid refers to some working days in office and other days telework eligible.
Telework refers to all working days at approved alternate work location.

Temporary Appointment

An appointment made in the absence of any appropriate employment list permitted by Section 5 of Article VII of the Constitution. (Gov. Code 18529 and California Constitution, Article VII, section 5). Also see "Temporary Authorization Appointment (TAU)".

Temporary Authorization Appointment (TAU)

A Temporary Authorization Appointment (TAU) may be made to a position for which there is no employment list. No person may serve in one or more positions under temporary appointment longer than 9 months in 12 consecutive months. (Gov. Code 19058). Also known as "Temporary Appointment".

Temporary Employee

An employee holding a position under temporary appointment (Gov. Code 18529).

Temporary Withhold

Refers to the recognition that an applicant may be refused entry into an exam or removed from an eligible list if the primary department does not receive more information as to how the applicant meets a specified standard.


The tenure which an appointment is made (i.e. Limited Term and Permanent).


The specific mechanism (or component) taken by candidates intending to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of their performance.

Test Component

A testing mechanism utilized in an examination. Each Examination must have at least one test component, but may utilize multiple test components.

Test Site

The physical location of a test.

Test Type

Refers to the Test(s) being given for the employment examination. The most common Test types are: Written Test, Interview, Internet/Automated Examination, Performance Test, Supplemental Application/Achievement Rating Test, Education and Experience Evaluation, and Agility/Physical Ability.

Testing Department

The department(s) in charge of administering the test and responsibilities tied to that role.

Time Base

Time Base is the expected hours to be worked and in what fashion for a position (e.g. Full-time, Part-Time, or Intermittent).

Training and Development (T&D)

Assignments allow the temporary loan or assignment of employees within or between units or programs for periods not to exceed two years, for the purposes of training. T and D assignments are used to broaden the work experience of an employee with the intent of increasing their skills and abilities and/or work experience.

Training and Experience (T&E)

An component subtype of the Supplemental Report exam testing the amount of Training and experience a candidate has in applicable fields.


The appointment of an employee to another position in the same class but under another appointing power or the appointment of an employee to a position in a different class that has substantially the same level of duties, responsibility, and salary, as determined by board rule, under the same or another appointing authority (Gov. Code 18525.3).

True Vacancy

For purposes of a promotion in place, a “true vacancy” means a vacant position in the employee's unit that is in the employee's “from” or “to” class for which the appointing power is actively recruiting (2 CCR § 83.2).


Instructional guides within CalCareer for applicants on specific topics.



The unit in which the employee routinely and regularly works (2 CCR § 83.1).


Vacant Position

An unfilled or unoccupied position (2 CCR § 83.3).


Establishing the relationship between a test instrument or other selection process and performance on the job.


Extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure.


Any person who has served full time in the armed forces in time of national emergency or state military emergency or during any expedition of the armed forces and who has been discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable (Gov. Code 18540.4).

Veteran's Preference (Vet’s Preference)

Veterans' Preference is awarded in all examinations administered on an open basis to all Veterans meeting the criteria. Effective 1/1/14, Veterans' Preference places all individuals placed on an Open Eligible list meeting the Veterans' Preference criteria in Rank 1 of the Eligible list.


Waiver/Waived (Cert)

Waiver refers to the treatment of an Eligibility Record either before or after Certification. Before Certification would indicate that an individual's Eligibility Record is waived from placement on a Cert list due to the specified Conditions of Employment (i.e. location). After Certification would indicate an Individual was not interested when contacted (i.e. did not respond to a contact letter) or declined a job offer. Waivers are addressed in California Code of Regulations sections 261, 261.1, and 262.

Waiver/Waived (Exam)

The foregoing of the requirement for a written test portion based on a prior score, status appointment, registration/education, or a combination thereof.

Withdrawn (Application Status)

Set manually when the Business User (at the applicant's request) withdraws the applicant from the hiring process. Cert List should be automatically updated to match.

Writing Sample

A component subtype of the Written exam that measures the writing of an applicant.


Component Type which measures the applicants through a traditional pencil and paper method. Sub types are Multiple Choice, Essay, and Writing Sample.