Job Descriptions and Statistical Information


Note: The payscales used by this search engine are the latest available from the State Controller's Office, but may not reflect all of the pay raises granted recently. Verifying salary levels with the department personnel office is recommended.

Search Help

Jobs in California State Civil Service are grouped into Class Specifications, documents which describe essentially similar jobs and include the qualifications for the job. There are currently about 4,500 different job classifications in the State Civil Service grouped into about 2500 Class Specifications.

To find information on a State Classification, you should enter a key word in the search term block below that would probably be contained in the job title you are looking for (eg, "engineer", or "nurse", or "account", etc.). The search program will look for words or partial words in the job title, so consider that "account" will find "account administrator, "accountant", "accounting officer", and "account clerk". The search is not case sensitive.

If multiple words are entered into the search term block, they are treated as a single search term, not an "OR". For example, "Accounting Administrator" will find Accounting Administrator, Department of ....., but not Accounting Systems Administrator.