The Research Scientist Manager is responsible for the supervision of Research Scientists I through V, Research Scientist Supervisors I and II, and other staff as appropriate and serves as the only managerial level of this series. Organizationally, incumbents are in the top management structure and are responsible for the management of a large group of scientific and nonscientific staff, composed of supervisors and nonsupervisors, typically totaling 15 or more professional State and/or contract employees. Programs with high visibility requiring unique scientific expertise in which the incumbent has independent science-based, decision-making responsibilities at a State and national level may manage fewer personnel. Incumbents provide management guidance and leadership in planning and directing scientific research studies or public health investigations that have advanced broad statewide and national scientific scope, complexity, and the highest sensitivity and policy impact. Under broad administrative direction, incumbents conceive, plan, organize, and direct the most difficult, advanced, complex, and highly original scientific research studies or public health investigations; provide leadership and coordinate scientific research studies and scientific investigations involving local, State, and Federal public health agencies. Incumbents make original, independent decisions on complex scientific problems using scientific theories and principles on association and risk and develop hypotheses on causes and also test these hypotheses. The work complexity at this level has special significance for the establishment of State and national public health policy and legislation. Incumbents provide advice and guidance to top management on the most critical scientific public health matters as a leading expert in the field based on professional standing; direct the analysis of all relevant, available, scientific, technical, medical, and other information from sources within and outside the organization, and direct the integration of this information into the decision-making process; direct the development of proposed scientific research studies if relevant information is not available; provide scientific technical expertise and can serve as a spokesperson for the department in a science area appropriate to their educational qualifications; consult with department management and others in areas appropriate to their qualifications and participate in the development of public health policy; provide scientific support and direction for the legal, legislative, and regulatory actions that occur in public health policy development; direct the publication of scientific research, or investigations conducted on a statewide basis; make presentations to State and national public health experts and the community; direct the interpretation of research findings for use in public health policy development by upper management; and perform other related work.
Incumbents in this parenthetical are distinguished from other Research Scientists by being required to analyze and draw conclusions from research studies of chemistry as related to public and environmental health. This work requires broad knowledge of chemistry in the areas of analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Scientific research and investigation can also be conducted in pharmacology, toxicology, drug chemistry, food chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, clinical chemistry, immunochemistry, and molecular biology. Research study conclusions are used to improve detection and identification of chemicals and biochemicals including toxic chemicals, metabolites, nutrients, pharmaceuticals, and enzymes; assess environmental fate and transport of chemical pollutants; assess exposure pathways and body burdens of chemical pollutants in humans and biological receptors; assess relationships between body burdens and resultant health or ecological effects; to evaluate environmental or human exposures, effects, or risks; and investigate methods and technologies that have the potential to prevent adverse public and environmental health effects of chemical exposures.
Desirable Qualifications
In appraising the relative qualifications of candidates, consideration will be given to the extent and type of pertinent training, experience, and research accomplishments for the designated specialty over and above that required under "Minimum Qualifications."
For information regarding position location(s), please refer to the Eligible List Information section.