Job Search
Search and results page allows you to filter the results by department, job categories, location, salary range and more. Results can also be sorted by relevancy, date, salary or title. The improved geographical search page shows the number of job postings in each county and will list all jobs available with a click of button.
Audience Based Navigation
Users can now find information geared to their needs with the new audience based navigation. Selecting one of the five audiences – new state to state service, state employees, veterans, persons with disabilities, or state retirees – will direct you to specially selected information that we believe will be most helpful for you.
Career Based Searching
You can now find job vacancies based on your area of expertise, career path, or interest. By mapping our jobs with federal occupational groupings (ONet and SOC), you’ll be able to more easily find the job you are looking for, in the career you want.
What’s New
Our “what’s new” section is back by popular demand. This section will highlight upcoming exams and assessments, new job vacancies, or other relevant information.
This new section gives state departments the ability to advertise important information – for example, a hard to recruit job – on the homepage.