Job Posting: Driver Safety Manager II

Department of Motor Vehicles

Driver Safety Manager II

$7,783.00 - $9,740.00 per Month

Final Filing Date: 3/14/2025

Job Description and Duties

Examination Information

This job posting is for a departmental open examination administered through the Special Examination and Appointment (SEA) Program which uses an alternative examination and selection process for filling specified positions. Applicants meeting the minimum qualifications for the Driver Safety Manager II are encouraged to apply.

This examination requires applicants to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) which must include responses and specific examples related to the Desirable Qualifications listed. Please carefully read the Desirable Qualifications and Statement of Qualifications Instructions sections for more details.

The SEA Program provides for position specific examination and selection of the most qualified candidates. Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications may compete for the vacant position. An evaluation of the Statement of Qualifications may be used to rate candidates. Candidates will be competitively ranked according to their qualifications using predetermined evaluation criteria specific to each position and consistent with the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the position classification.

To apply for this examination, applicants must indicate the Examination Title in the “EXAMINATION(S) OR JOB TITLE(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING” box of the Examination/Employment Application (STD. 678), and submit all items listed under Required Application Documents below by the Final Filing Date. Employment history information must be submitted on the Examination/Employment Application (STD. 678); attaching a resume shall not be sufficient for the purposes of providing employment history. Failure to indicate required information on the STD. 678 or submit all items by the Final Filing Date may result in elimination from the examination process.

A minimum rating of 70% must be attained to obtain list eligibility. Hiring interviews may be conducted with the most qualified candidates. All candidates will receive written notification of their examination results. The results of this examination will be used only to fill the position of Driver Safety Manager II, position number 525-404-8723-001, with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and may be used to fill subsequent vacancies for this position for a period of up to 12 months. The DMV may elect to consider new applicants in addition to those previously screened.

Job Description and Duties

This position is located in Sacramento within the Legal Affairs Division. Moving and relocation expenses will not be reimbursed for this position.

Under the direction of the Driver Safety (DS) Branch Chief, this position will provide support to the Branch Chief with modernization/technology advancements. The incumbent will serve in a lead capacity and coordinate with DS Office/Unit Managers, Region Administrators, and stakeholders to ensure effective implementation of technology activities and ensure consistency and effectiveness of the DS Branch operations.

This position may be subject to allocation approval by the Human Resources Branch and/or Department of Finance approval.

You will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement.

Working Conditions

Part-time telework is available. Telework requires California residency.

Minimum Requirements

You will find the Minimum Requirements in the Class Specification.

Special Requirements

  • The position(s) require(s) a Background Investigation be cleared prior to being hired.
Applicants must be eligible for appointment (e.g., must take and pass examination); see Who May Apply section below for more information. Additionally, applicants must have authorization to work in the United States. Please note that we are unable to provide visa sponsorship at this time.

Using the online application system as specified in this announcement is the preferred method of applying for civil service job opportunities; however, applicants may instead apply by way of U.S. mail, parcel delivery or courier service, or in person, as set forth in this announcement.

Do NOT include ANY confidential information on any documents you submit for a job vacancy, such as your Examination/Employment Application (STD. 678), resume, or educational transcripts. Confidential information that should be excluded or removed from these documents includes, but is not limited to, your Social Security number (SSN), birthdate, student identification number, driver license number (unless required), photograph, basis of eligibility, examination results, Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) status, gender, marital status, ethnicity, and age. Confidential information on STD. 678s submitted electronically online, such as SSN, will automatically be redacted upon submission.

Possession of the Minimum Qualifications will be verified prior to interview and/or appointment. If you are meeting the Minimum Qualifications with education, you must include your unofficial transcripts/diploma for verification. If it is determined that you do not meet the Minimum Qualifications, your name will be removed or withheld from the eligibility list, rendering your eligibility as inactive and ineligible to be hired for the position. Candidates whose names have been withheld from an eligibility list may file an appeal with the State Personnel Board.

Who Should Apply

This is a Departmental Promotional examination for the Department of Motor Vehicles.  Applicants meeting the Minimum Qualifications for the Driver Safety Manager II are encouraged to apply.

In addition to meeting the Minimum Qualifications, competition is limited to individuals who meet at least one of the following filing criteria:

  1. Have a permanent civil service appointment with a promotional testing department (see Testing Departments), or
  2. Are current or former employees of the legislature for 2 or more years as defined in Government Code 18990, or
  3. Are current or former non-elected exempt employees of the executive branch for 2 or more consecutive years as defined in Govt. Code 18992, or
  4. Are persons retired from the United States military honorably discharged from active duty with a service disability or honorably discharged from active duty as defined in Government Code 18991. Applicants must provide a copy of discharge papers (DD 214) for verification purposes at the time of application.

Under certain circumstances other employees may be allowed to compete under provisions of Rules 234, 235 and 235.2. California Code of Regulations Rules 233, 234, 235.2 and 237 contain provisions regarding civil service status and eligibility for promotional examinations.

Application Instructions

Completed applications and all required documents must be received or postmarked by the Final Filing Date in order to be considered. Dates printed on Mobile Bar Codes, such as the Quick Response (QR) Codes available at the USPS, are not considered Postmark dates for the purpose of determining timely filing of an application.

Final Filing Date: 3/14/2025

Who May Apply

Individuals who are currently in the classification, eligible for lateral transfer, eligible for reinstatement, have list or LEAP eligibility, are in the process of obtaining list eligibility, or have SROA and/or Surplus eligibility (please attach your letter, if available). SROA and Surplus candidates are given priority; therefore, individuals with other eligibility may be considered in the event no SROA or Surplus candidates apply.

Applications will be screened and only the most qualified applicants will be selected to move forward in the selection process.
Applicants must meet the Minimum Qualifications stated in the Classification Specification(s).

How To Apply

Complete Application Packages (including your Examination/Employment Application (STD 678) and applicable or required documents) must be submitted to apply for this Job Posting. Application Packages may be submitted electronically through your CalCareer Account at When submitting your application in hard copy, a completed copy of the Application Package listing must be included. If you choose to not apply electronically, a hard copy application package may be submitted through an alternative method listed below:

Address for Mailing Application Packages

You may submit your application and any applicable or required documents to:

Department of Motor Vehicles
DMV - HRB - Talent Assessment Unit
Attn: Hercilia Martin - JC-467594
2415 First Avenue, MS E678
Sacramento, CA 95818

Address for Drop-Off Application Packages

You may drop off your application and any applicable or required documents at:

Department of Motor Vehicles
DMV - HRB - Talent Assessment Unit
Attn: Hercilia Martin - JC-467594
2415 First Avenue, MS E678
Sacramento, CA 95818
Place in the MS E678 Drop Box located at the 1st Floor Lobby
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Required Application Package Documents

The following items are required to be submitted with your application. Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job:

  • Current version of the State Examination/Employment Application STD Form 678 (when not applying electronically), or the Electronic State Employment Application through your Applicant Account at All Experience and Education relating to the Minimum Qualifications listed on the Classification Specification should be included to demonstrate how you meet the Minimum Qualifications for the position.
  • Resume is optional. It may be included, but is not required.
  • Statement of Qualifications - See Desirable Qualifications and Statement of Qualifications Instructions sections below for more information.

    In addition to the Examination/Employment Application (STD. 678), all interested applicants are required to submit a Statement of Qualifications in accordance with the instructions listed under Statement of Qualifications Instructions below. A Statement of Qualifications is a narrative discussion of how the candidate’s education, training, experience, and skills meet the Desirable Qualifications for the position, and serves as documentation of each candidates’ ability to present information clearly and concisely in writing.

Applicants requiring reasonable accommodations for the hiring interview process must request the necessary accommodations if scheduled for a hiring interview. The request should be made at the time of contact to schedule the interview. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be directed to the EEO contact listed on this job posting.

Desirable Qualifications

In addition to evaluating each candidate's relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate:

Please Note: Your Statement of Qualifications must include responses and specific examples for each of the Desirable Qualifications listed below.

  1. Describe your experience in leading modernization or technology projects; and your demonstrated ability to coordinate the activities of projects with various staff to ensure project completion.

  2. Describe your well-developed interpersonal skills; and your demonstrated ability to effectively communicate verbally and in writing, with various audiences within and outside a department.

  3. Describe your demonstrated ability to monitor, track, and maintain quality of work; and your demonstrated ability to maintain effective quality control measures, identify and correct deficiencies, and ensure accurate and timely services to the public and other stakeholders.

  4. Describe your demonstrated ability to evaluate, recommend and implement policy, procedure, or program changes; and your demonstrated ability to interpret codes, laws, rules, statutes or case laws.

  5. Describe your knowledge of the Driver Safety Program and Administrative Hearing processes.

Statement of Qualifications Instructions

The Statement of Qualifications will be reviewed and rated by an examination panel. Candidates will be competitively ranked according to their qualifications using predetermined evaluation criteria consistent with the minimum and desirable qualifications for the position. The department may elect to consider new applicants in addition to those previously screened.

Applicants who fail to follow the Statement of Qualifications Instructions below and/or fail to provide the required application documents will receive a failing score from this examination process.

Statement of Qualifications Instructions:

  • Must be clearly titled “Statement of Qualifications” at the top of the first page.
  • Must number and restate verbatim each Desirable Qualification statement before the corresponding response in the same order as listed on this job posting.
  • Must include specific examples addressing each of the Desirable Qualification statements.
  • Must be typed with font no smaller than Arial 10 point.
  • Must be no more than two (2) pages in length (one 8 ½” x 11” sheet with print on front and back is considered two [2] pages).
  • Margins must be no less than half (.5) inch.
  • Resumes do not take the place of the Statement of Qualifications.

Special Testing Arrangements

If you have a disability and need special testing arrangements, complete and submit an Accommodation Request (STD. 679) form along with your Examination/Employment Application (STD. 678) to the above address. You will be contacted to make specific arrangements.


The Department of Motor Vehicles and the State of California offer many benefits to its employees.  These include health, vision, and dental benefits; retirement plans (CalPERS); savings plans (401K and 457b); leave benefits; insurance (such as group legal insurance and group long term disability insurance); and employee assistance program. Benefits may be based on the job classification, bargaining unit, tenure, time base, and length of appointment. Click on each web link below for more information.


Contact Information

The Human Resources Contact is available to answer questions regarding the position or application process.

Human Resources Contact:
Hercilia Martin
(916) 809-8967

Please direct requests for Reasonable Accommodations to the interview scheduler at the time the interview is being scheduled. You may direct any additional questions regarding Reasonable Accommodations or Equal Employment Opportunity for this position(s) to the Department's EEO Office.

EEO Contact:
Office of Civil Rights and Resolution
(916) 657-7553
California Relay Service: 1-800-735-2929 (TTY), 1-800-735-2922 (Voice) TTY is a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, and is reachable only from phones equipped with a TTY Device.

Minimum Qualifications

Either I

One year of experience in the Department of Motor Vehicles performing duties comparable in level of responsibility to a Driver Safety Manager I.


Two years of experience in the Department of Motor Vehicles performing duties comparable in level of responsibility to a Principal Driver Safety Officer.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: Driver safety practices and procedures; provisions of the California Vehicle Code Administrative Procedures Act; rules, regulations, and policies of the Department of Motor Vehicles; principles of personnel management, training, and effective supervision; general and office management principles and practices; budgetary procurement procedures for personnel and equipment; overall purposes, organization, and activities of the Department of Motor Vehicles; a supervisor's role in equal employment opportunities; and management principles.

Ability to: Interpret and apply the laws, regulations, and policies relating to functions of the Driver Safety Program; establish and maintain cooperative relations with persons contacted concerning driver safety work and procedures including public officials and community leaders; conduct all types of hearings, interviews, and reexaminations; plan, organize, and direct the work of subordinate employees engaged in the various activities of the Driver Safety Program; review reports and make sound decisions; provide equal employment opportunities; and plan, organize, and direct the activities of a large Driver Safety Office or Headquarters unit.

Special Personal Characteristic

Possession of a good driving record which includes no convictions within the past three years for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, hit and run, reckless driving, or manslaughter. Also included is not being a negligent operator as defined in Section 12810 of the Vehicle Code, and having no Implied Consent and Administrative Per Se suspensions within the past three years, no failures to answer a signed promise to appear (40508 VC), or no failures to pay a lawfully imposed fine (40509 VC). If a person has failed to answer his/her signed promise to appear (40508 VC) or has failed to pay a lawfully imposed fine (40509 VC), he/she will not be hired until the court case has been cleared.

General Information

If you meet the requirements stated in this examination bulletin, you may take this examination, which is competitive. Possession of the minimum qualifications does not assure a place on the eligible list.

The Department of Motor Vehicles reserves the right to revise the examination plan to better meet the needs of the service if the circumstances under which this examination was planned change. Such revision will be in accordance with civil service laws and rules, and all competitors will be notified.

General Qualifications: All candidates for, appointees to, and employees in the State civil service shall possess the general qualifications of integrity, honesty, sobriety, dependability, industry, thoroughness, accuracy, good judgment, initiative, resourcefulness, courtesy, ability to work cooperatively with others, willingness and ability to assume the responsibilities and to conform to the conditions of work characteristic of the employment, and a state of health, consistent with the ability to perform the assigned duties of the classification. Where the position requires the driving of an automobile, the employee must have a valid state driver license, a good driving record, and is expected to drive the car safely.

Job Application Package Checklist

Contrary to the “How To Apply” and “Alternate Application Process” sections of this job posting, the Job Application Package Checklist is not required. However, applicants must submit all Required Application Documents identified under the “Application Instructions” section by the final filing date.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The State of California is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation.

It is an objective of the State of California to achieve a drug-free work place. Any applicant for state employment will be expected to behave in accordance with this objective because the use of illegal drugs is inconsistent with the law of the State, the rules governing Civil Service, and the special trust placed in public servants.

Application Methods:
Electronic (Using your CalCareer Account)
By Mail