The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) is a State of California government agency located in the City of San Francisco with regulatory and planning responsibilities over San Francisco Bay and along the Bay Area’s nine-county shoreline. BCDC is guided in its actions by state and federal laws, including: the McAteer-Petris Act, Suisun Marsh Preservation Act, SB 272, and the Coastal Zone Management Act; and its policies, including the San Francisco Bay Plan and various special area plans. Through its laws and policies, BCDC protects hundreds of miles of shoreline, collaborates with local, regional, state and federal agencies, and facilitates the implementation of the San Francisco Bay Trail and the San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail. BCDC is a leader in preparing the region for rising sea level through its adoption of Bay Plan Climate Change Policies; the Adapting to Rising Tides Program, and Bay Adapt, a collaborative effort to identify actions that will advance the region’s resilience.
Long-Range Planning Team. BCDC’s Long-Range Planning Team is a unit in BCDC’s Planning Division, and is responsible for conducting major planning studies, policy research and development, and incorporating best available science and best management practices into the plans that govern BCDC’s regulatory and planning activities. Our recent accomplishments include amending the Bay Plan to adopt the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan to provide guidelines for local government sea level rise adaptation planning, and an update to the San Francisco Bay Seaport Plan. Other recent activities amending the Bay Plan to improve the permitting process for habitat restoration projects and amending the Bay Plan to include findings and policies regarding environmental justice and social equity.