The examination will consist of an evaluation of the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). All interested applicants must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) using the provided PM-0503 SOQ Form with their State Application. This will be the only tool used to determine your eligibility and ranking for this examination. The SOQ will be evaluated based on the quality of examples provided with each question, as well as the overall length of time candidates indicate related to each question response. Candidates who fail to submit an SOQ on the PM-0503 SOQ Form will be eliminated from the examination.
A passing score of 70% or higher must be obtained to establish eligibility. Hiring interviews will be conducted with the most qualified candidates. All candidates will receive written notification of their examination results. The result of this examination will be used only to fill the position of CEA B, Chief, Division of Transportation Planning with Caltrans. Applications will be retained for twelve months.
If you meet the requirements stated in this announcement, you may take this competitive examination. Possession of the Examination
Qualifications requirements does not assure a place on the eligible list. Your performance in the examination will be compared with
the performance of others who take this examination, and all successful candidates will be ranked according to their scores.
A minimum rating of 70% must be attained in the Examination to obtain list eligibility for this position. All candidates will receive
written notification of their examination results.
The results of this examination will only be used to fill this position. Applications will be retained for twelve months.
Hiring interviews for the Job may be conducted with the most qualified candidates.
The examining Department reserves the right to revise the examination plan to better meet the needs of the service, if the circumstances
under which this examination was planned change. Such revision will be in accordance with civil service law and rules and all competitors
will be notified.