Job Posting: Deputy Executive Director, CPCFA

CA Pollution Control Financing Authority

Deputy Executive Director, CPCFA
C. E. A.

$10,048.00 - $12,161.00 per Month

Final Filing Date: 4/8/2025

Application Methods:
Electronic (Using your CalCareer Account)
By Mail

Job Description and Duties

Under the direction of the Executive Directors of the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) and the California Urban Waterfront Area Restoration Financing Authority (CUWARFA), as well as the broad direction of the State Treasurer as Chair of these two financing authorities, the Deputy Executive Director provides policy, program, administrative and technical direction for all programs. Also acts as the Executive Director of the financing authorities during those periods of time when the Executive Director positions are vacant.

The incumbent supervises and oversees a professional management team including Staff Services Managers and Associate Governmental Program Analysts, responsible for carrying out all day-to-day operations of the financing authorities.

You will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement.

Minimum Requirements

This position does not have a Classification Specification. Requirements and qualifications for this position can be found in this announcement. For additional questions, please contact the hiring department listed below.

Position Details

Job Code #:
Position #(s):
Working Title:
Deputy Executive Director, CPCFA
C. E. A.
$10,048.00 - $12,161.00 A
# of Positions:
Work Location:
Sacramento County
Job Type:
Career Executive Assignment - Non Tenured, Full Time

Department Information

Since its creation in 1972, the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) has been dedicated to helping businesses access capital for projects that support state and federal environmental and economic objectives. Initially focused on pollution control, CPCFA has evolved to include a broad range of programs that foster sustainable development, support small businesses, and revitalize communities. Founded as a conduit for raising capital for pollution control through tax-exempt bonds, CPCFA has since broadened its scope. In 1986, following the Tax Reform Act, CPCFA expanded its focus to include projects addressing climate change and other sustainability challenges.

Please click here to find more information about the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA).

Special Requirements

  • The position(s) require(s) a Background Investigation be cleared prior to being hired.
Electronic applications are highly encouraged. If submitting a hard copy, please include JC-468312 / Position #345-002-7500-002 in the "Examination(s) or Job Title(s) for which you are applying" section of the application. Hard copy applications received without the required information may not be considered.

    Application Instructions

    Completed applications and all required documents must be received or postmarked by the Final Filing Date in order to be considered. Dates printed on Mobile Bar Codes, such as the Quick Response (QR) Codes available at the USPS, are not considered Postmark dates for the purpose of determining timely filing of an application.

    Final Filing Date: 4/8/2025

    Who May Apply

    Individuals who are eligible to be appointed to this Career Executive Assignment (CEA) by the State of California.

    How To Apply

    Complete Application Packages (including your Examination/Employment Application (STD 678) and applicable or required documents) must be submitted to apply for this Job Posting. Application Packages may be submitted electronically through your CalCareer Account at When submitting your application in hard copy, a completed copy of the Application Package listing must be included. If you choose to not apply electronically, a hard copy application package may be submitted through an alternative method listed below:

    Address for Mailing Application Packages

    You may submit your application and any applicable or required documents to:

    CA Pollution Control Financing Authority
    Administration Division
    Attn: Applications Unit
    901 P St, 411A
    Sacramento, CA 95814

    Address for Drop-Off Application Packages

    You may drop off your application and any applicable or required documents at:

    CA Pollution Control Financing Authority
    Administration Division
    Applications Unit
    901 P St, 411A
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

    Required Application Package Documents

    The following items are required to be submitted with your application. Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job:

    • Current version of the State Examination/Employment Application STD Form 678 (when not applying electronically), or the Electronic State Employment Application through your Applicant Account at All Experience and Education relating to the Minimum Qualifications listed on the Classification Specification should be included to demonstrate how you meet the Minimum Qualifications for the position.
    • Resume is optional. It may be included, but is not required.
    • Statement of Qualifications - The Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) is a narrative discussion of how the candidate's education, training, experience, and skills meet the Desirable Qualifications for the position. The SOQ serves as documentation of each candidate's ability to present information clearly and concisely in writing and should be single-spaced with 12 point font. Resumes, cover letters, and other materials will not be evaluated or considered as responses to the Statement of Qualifications. The SOQ must be numbered and include the Desirable Qualification factor typed in bold font. Respond to each Desirable Qualification factor in the same order they are listed and provide specific examples. Responses should be complete, specific, and clear. Include the name of the organization where you gained the experience, the timeframe you gained the experience, your title and level of responsibility, and relevant outcomes and measures of success
    Applicants requiring reasonable accommodations for the hiring interview process must request the necessary accommodations if scheduled for a hiring interview. The request should be made at the time of contact to schedule the interview. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be directed to the EEO contact listed on this job posting.

    Examination Qualification Requirements

    All applicants must possess the knowledge and abilities, and any other requirements, described in this announcement.

    Note: Eligibility to take a CEA examination does not require current permanent status in the civil service.

    General Qualifications

    State civil service employees must possess essential general qualifications including integrity, initiative, dependability, good judgment, and ability to work cooperatively with others.

    Knowledge and Abilities

    Applicants must demonstrate the ability to perform high administrative and policy – influencing functions effectively. Such overall ability requires possession of most of the following more specific knowledge and abilities:

    • Knowledge of the organization and functions of California State Government including the organization and practices of the Legislature and the Executive Branch; principles, practices, and trends of public administration, organization, and management; techniques of organizing and motivating groups; program development and evaluation; methods of administrative problem solving; principles and practices of policy formulation and development; and personnel management techniques; the department’s or agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program objectives; and a manager’s role in the Equal Employment Opportunity Program.
    • Ability to plan, organize, and direct the work of multidisciplinary professional and administrative staff; analyze administrative policies, organization, procedures and practices; integrate the activities of a diverse program to attain common goals; gain the confidence and support of top level administrators and advise them on a wide range of administrative matters; develop cooperative working relationships with representatives of all levels of government, the public, and the Legislature and Executive branches; analyze complex problems and recommend effective courses of action; and prepare and review reports; and effectively contribute to the department’s or agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity objectives.

    These knowledge and abilities are expected to be obtained from the following kinds of experience with substantial participation in the formulation, operation and/or evaluation of program policies (experience may have been paid or volunteer; in State service, other government settings, or in a private organization):

    CEA Level A - Responsible for broad administrative and program activities, including the execution and/or evaluation of program policies.

    CEA Level B - Responsible for extensive managerial and program administration or broad program manager experience with substantial participation in the formulation, operation, and/or evaluation of program policies.

    CEA Level C - Responsible for extensive highly professional influence and contributes to program, policy, and the methods to provide professional services needed to set policies, to meet the mission of the State department and often exercising technical and or professional skills that are required at this level.

    Desirable Qualifications

    In addition to evaluating each candidate's relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate:
    1. Demonstrate knowledge in all aspects of revenue bond financing, including a working knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of issuers, bond counsel, underwriters, trustee banks, financing advisors, feasibility consultants, participating borrowers and other major parties, and be able to direct the marketing of the functions and financing programs available through the Authorities.
    2. Have detailed knowledge of the municipal securities market, including public and private sales, competitive and negotiated transactions, underwriter spreads and components of bond costs of issuance, and all other factors related to bond sales to effectively participate in the pricing and sale of bonds issued through the Authorities.
    3. Understand audited and interim financial statements relating to economic expansion and environmental improvement financing and be able to suggest and discuss operational changes which may be necessary to meet financial covenants in the loan agreements of participating institutions.
    4. Understand and evaluate Feasibility Studies prepared for pollution and industrial development and other financing programs expansion, renovation, acquisition and refinancing projects.
    5. Understand business and project financing concepts utilized by commercial banks and other credit enhancers.
    6. Recognize and be knowledgeable in Federal and State regulations on tax-exempt bond financing and new or proposed legislation regarding changes to issuing and reporting requirements on municipal debt, such as recent requirements for on-going disclosure of material events by a borrower to the municipal marketplace
    7. Be knowledgeable in the State legislative process and have the ability to meet with legislators and their staff on issues critical to the economic expansion and environment improvement bonds and their operations, testify before committee hearings and prepare written correspondence on bill analyses, inquiries, and other issues.
    8. The ability to represent the Executive Director, the Board Members, and the State Treasurer in a credible manner before the Legislature, the general public, media and local elected and appointed officials.
    9. The ability to execute the complex duties of the position in a highly sensitive, critical, continuously evolving, and often ambiguous environment.
    10. The ability to gain the confidence and support of high-level public and private agency officials and representatives and advise them on a variety of matters pertaining to CPCFA and CUWARFA.
    11. The ability to recognize political implications of actions by the Authorities and staff, work well with other individuals under tight deadlines, and oversee the management of the Authorities' staff.

    Examination Information

    If you meet the requirements stated in this announcement, you may take this competitive examination. Possession of the Examination Qualifications requirements does not assure a place on the eligible list. Your performance in the examination will be compared with the performance of others who take this examination, and all successful candidates will be ranked according to their scores.

    A minimum rating of 70% must be attained in the Examination to obtain list eligibility for this position. All candidates will receive written notification of their examination results.

    The results of this examination will only be used to fill this position. Applications will be retained for twelve months.

    Hiring interviews for the Job may be conducted with the most qualified candidates.

    The examining Department reserves the right to revise the examination plan to better meet the needs of the service, if the circumstances under which this examination was planned change. Such revision will be in accordance with civil service law and rules and all competitors will be notified.

    Special Testing Arrangements

    If you have a disability and need special testing arrangements, answer the Reasonable Accommodations question appropriately on your Application (STD 678). You will be contacted to make specific arrangements. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be directed to the EEO contact listed on this announcement.


    Please see the CalHR Benefits Summary page for detailed information.

    Contact Information

    The Human Resources Contact is available to answer questions regarding the position or application process.

    Human Resources Contact:
    Applications Unit
    (916) 653-3100

    Please direct requests for Reasonable Accommodations to the interview scheduler at the time the interview is being scheduled. You may direct any additional questions regarding Reasonable Accommodations or Equal Employment Opportunity for this position(s) to the Department's EEO Office.

    EEO Contact:
    EEO Officer
    (916) 653-3100
    California Relay Service: 1-800-735-2929 (TTY), 1-800-735-2922 (Voice) TTY is a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, and is reachable only from phones equipped with a TTY Device.

    Minimum Qualifications

    Possession of Minimum Qualifications will be verified prior to interview and/or appointment. If you are meeting Minimum Qualifications with education, you must include your unofficial transcripts/diploma for verification in your application packet. Official sealed transcripts or your original diploma (with embossed seal) will be required prior to appointment. If it is determined that a candidate does not meet all Minimum Qualifications, the candidate will be withheld from the eligibility list, rendering them inactive and ineligible to be hired for the classification. All candidates who are determined to not meet the Minimum Qualifications will be contacted in writing and will have 10 business days to respond with additional information supporting their Minimum Qualifications for the classification. Candidates who have been withheld may file an appeal with the State Personnel Board.

    Confidential Information

    Do NOT include ANY confidential information on any documents you submit for a job vacancy, such as your State Application, resume, or educational transcripts. Confidential information that should be excluded or removed from these documents includes, but is not limited to, your Social Security Number (SSN), birthdate, student identification number, driver’s license number (unless required), basis of eligibility, examination results, LEAP status, marital status, and age. Confidential information listed anywhere on the applications submitted electronically, such as Easy ID number, SSN, examination related information, and driver’s license number will automatically be redacted upon submission.

    Equal Opportunity Employer

    The State of California is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation.

    It is an objective of the State of California to achieve a drug-free work place. Any applicant for state employment will be expected to behave in accordance with this objective because the use of illegal drugs is inconsistent with the law of the State, the rules governing Civil Service, and the special trust placed in public servants.