Please Note: A Statement of Qualifications or Supplemental Questionnaire must be submitted along with your application in order to be considered for this position.
Do not include any confidential information on any documents (i.e., application, resume, or transcripts) you submit for this job vacancy. Confidential information that should be excluded or removed from these documents include but is not limited to: Social Security Number (SSN), birthday and/or age, photos, student/other ID number, driver’s license number (unless required), basis of eligibility, exam results, LEAP status, and marital status. Confidential information submitted via a CalCareer Account (electronic application) is automatically redacted upon submission.
Please include a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) with your application for the hiring manager’s review. The SOQ will be your first interview for this position. If your qualifications are competitive, you will be invited to an on-site interview.
The SOQ should be no longer than two pages, single-spaced, in 12-point font and in question and answer format. Please provide answers to the following questions to the best of your ability:
1. Please describe how your experience best qualifies you for this position.
2. As a Licensing Program Manager, you are expected to maintain a high-level of quality, quantity, and timely submissions for your own work as well as your staff’s work. Explain how you would accomplish this and remain accountable to management?
3. Tell us about your experience working with reluctant staff and how you gained their cooperation to complete a task.
A notation or reference to other materials such as resumes or applications will not be considered and will not substitute for the SOQ. Failure to answer the questions required in the SOQ may result in elimination from the hiring process.
This position is subject to fingerprinting clearance by the Department of Justice.
You are required to complete employment history on the application form (STD 678). You may be disqualified from the hiring and selection process if the employment history is not complete. Resumes will not take the place of employment history.
If you are meeting minimum qualifications with education, you must include your unofficial transcripts for verification. If selected, you may be required to provide official transcripts at the time of hire.
Training and Development assignments may be considered based on the availability of eligible candidates and are subject to approval by the Hiring Authority prior to appointment. Training and Development assignments are temporary in nature and shall not exceed twenty-four (24) months.
Candidates who reside outside of the State of California may be admitted to the job interview, but they must provide proof of residence in California prior to being eligible for appointment.